Fáilte a Chomhlachas Turnbull Treibh 
Welcome to the Turnbull Clan Association!

Arms 300 In the 21st century our family has spread from its humble beginnings in Bedrule, Scotland to almost every country across the world. We have made our mark countless times in the history books - some good - some bad, but always carrying the pride in our name and where it came from.

The Turnbull Clan Association (TCA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to research, preserve, and promote our cultural heritage for the enjoyment and benefit of our members and of future generations. TCA also serves as a fraternal organization which brings together individuals who are descended from the Turnbull family and its branches.

Variations of the name Turnbull and family septs include: Tornbule, Tornbule, Tornebu, Tourneboeuf, Tournebu, Tournebull, Tremble, Trimble, Trombel, Trumball, Trumble, Trumbull, Trumell, Trummel, Turnball, Turnbo, Turnbul, Turnebull, Roule, and Rule.

If you are related to the Turnbulls or one of our family branches but are not yet registered as a member of the clan we would like to welcome you as a member of TCA for an informative and rewarding exchange with other clan members.  Click here to register.

TCA sponsors clan tents at popular Highland games so that clan members may have a chance to meet TCA representatives and build friendly relationships with others to whom they are related though the Turnbull Clan.In addition to promoting cultural heritage and clan family history, TCA serves as a genealogical archive for individual family branches. The archival process and its accompanying searchable database are an ongoing project for which we solicit your participation. If you are interested in adding your related family tree to these archives please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

TCA's newsletter, The Bullseye is published six times a year in alternating months in printed and electronic form. Signup online at www.turnbullclan.com

Please enjoy the TCA website at www.turnbullclan.com where you will find a wealth of information and a multitude of links to things Turnbull in Scotland and around the world.

Remember that TCA is your association. This means that it is not only for you but it is also of and by you. We solicit your input and participation in making TCA as informative, fun, and meaningful as possible.

We welcome you to join us and celebrate our heritage and future.

Fortune Favors the Bold!

Jeffrey S. Trimble