Aidan Turnbull, in one of those rare moments, captured in the present.Living in the very south of the UK in Chichester, Aidan Turnbull(50) works as the Executive Editor and chief writer on four top national magazines – Middle East Power, American Independent Power, Independent Power Asia - and one international publication - Worldwide Independent Power, which circulates in 153 countries worldwide, for the Global Media Publishing corporation. He is also editor of the UK Power News newspaper. All the titles are concerned with energy generation, windpower, photovoltaic, tidal power and biofuels He holds a BA(Hons) in English Lit & Medieval Drama.
Some of you may already know our famous cousin Aidan Turnbull of the UK. Aidan and his family are very active in the recreation of medieval battles throughout Europe. So active, he deserves his own section for the pictures and wonderful accounts of the battle once it's over. If anyone is ever interested -
September 29, 2001 was the first day of the 4-day CASTLE RONNEBURG MEDIEVAL PAGEANT, about 50km outside Frankfurt, Germany, at the ancient castle of Schloss Ronneburg (see its website - event .
The TURNBULL contingent from the MEDIEVAL SIEGE SOCIETY has been hand-picked to compete against fighters from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Just thought I'd send you a report of Aidan's latest exploits. This year I decided to make the effort and find his house hold at the Tewskesbury medieval festival ( I went last year but with over 2500 reinactors, look as I might, He was not to be seen ) This year I went prepared with a photo, Description of tent, banner and mobile phone number Aidan kindly sent me.
So armed with this information my wife, son and daughter and myself set off to look for the Turnbull house hold. This year we were lucky after looking through the first camp ( Aidan said he had a white tent. Half the tents were white !!!! ) we came across a Turnbull banner positioned out side a tent with open fire and cooking pot simmering away. I went and introduced ourselves to a medieval wench ( who turned out to be Aidans wife ) who made us very welcome.
Re: Rob Turnbull's recent report -
My cousin Rob Turnbull was really too kind when he describes my exploits on the field on the Lancastrian side. There are only 3 rules to medieval fighting in armour: do it first, do it fast and do it DIRTIEST! But I am normally protecting my own hide most of the time. Indeed, the local paper once described me (in two misprints?) as either a 'bottle-scarred warrior' or a 'battle-scared warrior' when I THINK they meant 'battle-scarred' warrior?
The officials say the Gloucester, UK battle featured:1,400 re-enactors (about 800 fighters), 600 medieval tents, 30,000 members of the public. The battle was excellent on both days - quite restrained in some ways compared to last year's mayhem. Of course I rather disgraced myself as a 'model of restraint'.
Aidan Turnbull comments:
I am pleased to say that rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated!
I am also pleased to say that 2005 has been a good year for me and for the Turnbull fighting Clan generally. My cousin ILLTYD Turnbull (26) and his partner had a little baby girl (Jade), and my other cousin Emanwel (another demon fighter) was accepted by Oxford University to read LAW.
Aidan Turnbull is the Siege Commander of a group called PELICAN-IN-HER-PIETY (about 35 iACn all) who are part of a larger group of 15th century re-enactors called THE MDEIVAL SIEGE SOCIETY (611 in total). They wear armor, camp in authentic medieval tents, use weapons and fight at castles at 21 different locations in the UK and Europe.
His ‘high status’ red coat denotes his lofty rank in society! He also co-ordinates the TURNBULL ARMY (about 18 of them) who fight at TEWKESBURY every year. Aidan says “You can't fight with us unless you have a Turnbull connection - hence my 3 cousins, my brother and a whole host of second cousins all join in a battle involving 2,000 people.”
In March of each year the town of Hawick in the Scottish Borders will again step back in time to the mid 1500’s and will re-create the sites and sounds of this turbulent period – so important in the town’s history. Through drama, music and song the town will allow the visitor to experience the truth of life in the 16th century, a period of hardship and violence, of family against family and nation against nation, a period which did much to shape the character of the modern day Borderer and his relatives throughout the world.