Just thought I'd send you a report of Aidan's latest exploits. This year I decided to make the effort and find his house hold at the Tewskesbury medieval festival ( I went last year but with over 2500 reinactors, look as I might, He was not to be seen ) This year I went prepared with a photo, Description of tent, banner and mobile phone number Aidan kindly sent me.
So armed with this information my wife, son and daughter and myself set off to look for the Turnbull house hold. This year we were lucky after looking through the first camp ( Aidan said he had a white tent. Half the tents were white !!!! ) we came across a Turnbull banner positioned out side a tent with open fire and cooking pot simmering away. I went and introduced ourselves to a medieval wench ( who turned out to be Aidans wife ) who made us very welcome.
Aidan at the time we were told was getting the attacked by loads of children in the children's battle.
So this is what our hero does picks on young children, What happened to this battle hardened warrior I have been told so much about.
After chatting to his wife and son, Aidan appeared in all his medieval finery. At last I had met our hero. But The report of his engagement with the Children made grim reading, He and some of his fellow knights were attacked by an army of kids bearing rubber swords and only just escaped with there lives.
Aidan then showed me around his camp and displayed to me his armor and weapons. We then went on to family history and it looks like we maybe related distantly on the same line.
By this time my wife and family where getting a bit hot and bothered ( also bored ) so we made are goodbyes and headed off to look around the rest of the festival and beer tent. But we said we'd keep an eye out for him in the main battle reenactment, in which all 2500+ take part.
At 4.30pm the two armies took to the field Aidan was on the Yorkist's side including his wife, but two of his cousins were on the other side the house of Lancaster. But to try and spot some with full armor on among all those Knights and men at arms is hard to do.
The battle started with a hail of arrows from both sides then the to armies moved in to fight. The battle swayed this way and that until the Yorkists finally won the day.
After the battle I returned to Aidans camp to find Aidan flaked out on the grass completely "Knackard" ( but in one piece ) 60/80 lbs of armor is a lot to put up with when is blazing hot and some kind sole is trying to knock your head off, and by the accounts of other knights he proved he is our warrior hero.
Keeping the Turnbull name alive on the battle fields of England.
He then showed me the new battle scars to his amour.
I have been invited to join Aidan on one of his exploits, but only if I can get a medieval costume. I am very tempted to take up this offer ( my wife thinks I'm mad ) But I will not be taking on Aidan to a one to one in combat. But my son is Giving me plenty of practice with the plastic sword and shield I brought him. Who knows there maybe more Turnbulls taking to the battle field.
If anyone gets the chance I recommend that you go and see him in action. It was a great day out.
Thank you Aidan, once again for a great day
Rob Turnbull