Aidan Turnbull comments:
I am pleased to say that rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated!
I am also pleased to say that 2005 has been a good year for me and for the Turnbull fighting Clan generally. My cousin ILLTYD Turnbull (26) and his partner had a little baby girl (Jade), and my other cousin Emanwel (another demon fighter) was accepted by Oxford University to read LAW.
We Turnbulls will be fighting together at TEWKESBURY (9th-10th July, 2005) which celebrates the 1471 Battle in which the Lancastrians were massacred by the Yorkists - we do not know which side we are going to be on yet!
Below is a list of our engagements for the rest of 2005. I am especially looking forward to JULY's events which include OESELGEM and AZINCOURT - battles in Belgium and France. As you know, my colleagues and I specialise in 1450-1500AD armour and weapons and live as medieval in 'Living History' encampment when we are in the field.
Six of us will be travelling the Continent, moving from Battle-to-Battle over a 10-day span. Watch this space for further reports!
Gillian Turnbull arms her husband, Aidan Turnbull, at the Battle of Groombridge Place. |
Check out my new backplate! It's great (took delivery in May 2005) |
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Aidan with poleaxe |
babe-magnet |