schwierking janet mark turnbull  turnbull john grason
It is my great pleasure to announce that the TCA board of Directors have unanimously awarded the John Fisher Turnbull Lifetime Achievement Award for valuable service to our clan over many years. This award was announced at the 2016 AGM. You can view the presentation on YouTube at
Note that this is not the Clan Member of the Year award. It is the highest honor that TCA grants and is only given occasionally for exceptional service over a number of years. You will be pleased to know that although this award is rarely granted, this year we felt it fitting to grant it simultaneously to three very special people who, together, played key roles in the development of TCA, helping it become what it is today: Janet Turnbull Schwierking, Mark A. Turnbull, and John Grason Turnbull.
With congratulations and sincere thanks,