Here are some places you’ll want to see while in the Borders.
- The Turning of the Bull Monument - Hawick at the Heritage Centre (send us pictures of you there!)
- Turnbulls Deli in Hawick - a great little deli and coffee shop at the base of High Street near the Horse Monument.
- Bedrule Kirk - Bedrule (off of the road B6358 from Denholm) Rich in Turnbull heritage. Be sure to go inside.
- The Bedrule/Turnbull Cairn, located in the church yard of Bedrule Kirk.
- Minto and Fatlips Castle. You can get a key from Oliver’s Garage in Denholm so you can go inside. If you are in Denholm there is a great little Pub there called the Cross Keys Inn. Also in the green in Denholm is a monument to John Leyden who wrote a famous poem about the man who turned the bull, the first Turnbull. There is a bit of a climb to Fatlips but well worth it and it is pretty significant in Turnbull history
Border related - It’s a nice day trip to go to Carter Bar. The scenery is great and there are huge boulders. On one side is Scotland and on the other is England.
If you get out of the Borders and have transportation, a trip to Stirling Castle and the Bannockburn Heritage Centre is nice. It was in Stirling Forest that William Rule saved Robert the Bruce’s life so is the beginning of the Turnbulls.