In 1979, Dorothy Turnbull Berk, chartered a US branch of Turnbull Clan Association and began contacting Turnbulls in the US to become a part. Soon, there were branches in Australia and New Zealand. Today, with improved communications and Internet support, TCA operates as one large international clan association uniting members from Canada, Cuba, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, and growing.
The beginnings of the USA branch of TCA concentrated on connecting with Turnbulls throughout the US using the Highland Games as a meeting place. Tent Hosts were established in key regions and annual meetings moved from one area to another, expanding friendships and acquiring new members. The first such meeting occurred on August 11, 1979 at the Rocky Mountain Highland Games in Golden, Colorado. Vella and Morris Turnbull were the first clan tent hosts. They continued to host a tent at the Golden games for many years to come. The 1979 games boasted that 29 members came from all parts of the US. From Dorothy’s second newsletter; “Our two tartans made their first US, public debut, at the games.” The tartans were well received by Turnbulls and other clan representatives.