- Blacka
- Blackadder
- Blacker
- Blackett
- Blackford
- Blackie
- Ann (b. abt 1809, d. bet 1852 and 1864)
- Ann (b. 1843)
- Annie (b. 1858, d. 1946)
- Annie Shepherd (b. abt 1873, d. 1958)
- Annie Turnbull (b. 1902)
- Colin Turnbull Thomas (b. 1910, d. 1949)
- Donald Dearness (b. 1882, d. 1955)
- Donald James (b. 1897, d. 1984)
- Donald Richard (b. 1918)
- Ellen
- Ellen (b. 1857, d. 1858)
- Ellen (b. 1860)
- Ellen Margaret (b. 1904)
- Evelyn (b. abt 1881, d. abt 1967)
- Helen (b. 1838)
- Hilda Irene (b. 1893, d. 1978)
- James (b. abt 1803, d. bet 1852 and 1864)
- James (b. 1841)
- James (b. 1868, d. abt 1957)
- James Edward (b. 1916)
- Jane (b. 1873, d. 1911)
- Janet (b. 1816)
- Jean (b. 1900)
- John (b. 1862, d. 1953)
- John (b. 1904, d. 1978)
- John Turnbull (b. abt 1834, d. abt 1902)
- Kathleen
- Kathleen Evelyn (b. 1916)
- Lilli Cavenagh (b. 1865)
- Margaret (b. abt 1837, d. abt 1921)
- Margaret (b. 1870)
- Mary Margaret (b. 1895)
- Ronald Turnbull (b. 1912)
- Thomas Gormley (b. 1876, d. 1967)
- Blacklock
- Blacklow
- Blackman
- Blackmore
- Blackwell
- Blackwood
- Blagrave-Ellis
- John (b. 18 Nov 1895, d. May 1984)
- Noël Fisher (b. 24 Dec 1897, d. 28 Nov 1987)
- Blain
- Blair
- Blake
- Blakeley
- Blakely
- Blakemore
- Blakes
- Blakey
- Blanchard
- Bland
- Blandford
- Blanding
- Blank
- Blay
- Bleakley
- Bleeze
- Bleiholder
- Blennerhassett
- Blevins
- Blewett
- Blewitt
- Blighlinntie
- Blighton
- Blinco
- Blind
- Blinman
- Bliss
- Blizzard
- Blocksedge
- Blom
- Blomfield
- Blomley
- Bloomfield
- Blose
- Blowes
- Blue
- Bluett
- Blundel
- Blundell
- Ann (b. 4 Jan 1872, d. abt 1888)
- Catherine (b. 23 Sep 1836, d. 15 Feb 1895)
- Chetwynd (b. ca. 1709)
- Elsie (b. 4 Jan 1880, d. 23 May 1958)
- Emily Ann (b. abt 1869, d. 4 Jan 1958)
- James Ernest (b. 2 Oct 1867)
- John (b. 13 Oct 1863, d. 8 Jun 1939)
- Joseph, Jnr. (b. 4 Jun 1839, d. 4 Jan 1906)
- Joseph, III (b. 21 May 1862, d. 17 Sep 1868)
- Josephine J.
- Josiah (b. 15 Feb 1877, d. 29 Jan 1965)
- Louisa (b. 27 Oct 1839, d. 7 Jun 1920)
- Louisa (b. 30 Sep 1874, d. abt 1892)
- Lucy (b. abt 1870)
- Marie (b. 11 Mar 1935, d. 2018)
- Pearly (b. abt 1895)
- Peter John (b. 5 May 1936, d. 8 Sep 2009)
- Rebecca Christina
- William Bligh (b. Jun 1865, d. 19 Sep 1868)
- Willis (b. 10 Oct 1869)
- Blyth
- Blythe
- Martha (b. abt 1805, d. 31 Jul 1826)
- Blyton
- Boa
- Ann (b. 30 Apr 1788, d. 1 Nov 1838)
- Boal
- Boardman
- Boate
- Boaz
- Bobbin
- Bock
- Bockholt
- Bode
- Bodemeade
- Bodestyne
- Bodman
- Boeck
- Boeger
- John H. (b. 14 Oct 1882, d. 17 Feb 1961)
- Boese
- Boggs
- Bogle
- Bogue
- Bohanan
- Boice
- Boigard
- Boisee
- Boisjoli
- Boland
- Bolger
- Bollard
- Bollinger
- Bollman
- Bolton
- Bolwell
- Bond
- Bone